FENG newlogoThe Financial Executives Networking Group is a 24,000+ member international organization. Primarily based in the United States, we also have members in over a dozen countries spanning 4 continents. We are a sponsorship based organization and not “a fee for service”.



rabobanklogoCMPR has a business relationship with the Rabobank organization and uses the secure Electronic Telebanking for its clients.

Networks Worldwide Ltd

globeThe Barn
Chineham Lane
Sherborne St. John
RG24 9LR

Tel : +44 (0)1256 392800
Fax : +44 (0)1256 392801

Email : info@e-nww.com

Networks Worldwide is a recruiter for Sales Executives, Networking and Software Engineers. Through the cooperation with CMPR a complete range of infrastructure can be offered.